Creativity / Feminism

#InternetQueens: Shannon Boodram

Welcome to #InternetQueens, a blog series celebrating inspiring lady creatives on the Wooorrrld Wiiiide Netttt!


I found out about the fabulous online relationship/dating/sex expert Shannon Boodram at a time when I needed her the most: I was in my senior year of college and I had just hesitantly dipped my toe into the dating pool, hoping for the best without any previous experience to lean on. See, I was a proud lil nerd all throughout high school, and most of college, for that matter. Tbh, any remote interest in guys hadn’t even crossed my mind until freshman year of college, when I was finally awakened to the wonderful yet terrifying world of crushes and fluffy feelings (eck). I considered myself a definite late-bloomer; I’ll never forget the wide-eyed look a junior year roommate of mine gave me when I told her I’d never been in a relationship.

“Not even a high school sweetheart?” she asked incredulously.

“Uh… Nope…”


Yeahh, I was embarrassed at the time. But one year and a bit of experience later (heh heh) I learned that there’s no right or wrong way to safely go about your romantic life and sexuality as long as you’re true to yourself, your values, and what you feel comfortable with. And in a sexually confused society permeated by the idea that women exist to provide male pleasure and should keep quiet about their own sexuality, this is a surprisingly difficult thing for us to get through our heads.

Enter ShanBoody, blogger, YouTuber and author.


We live in the crazy world of virtual romance, dating and ~hookups~ (however you define that nowadays), and it’s a breath of fresh air to find a woman who is so honest, fearless and unapologetic in expressing and exploring sexuality in all its forms. Kween Boody educates the public on things that aren’t said NEARLY enough, like this.

It’s obvious that this fierce creatix won’t rest until female sexuality gets the attention it deserves from society. No more blushing and shying away from topics that might offend the fainthearted or the ignorant. It’s time to get real about female pleasure.


Shannon is a creative who knows exactly how to portray herself to her audience in a charming, warm and charismatic manner, and you can tell she’s absolutely passionate about each of her projects. I mean, her enthusiasm for the things she talks about is obvious, and this is something creators of all backgrounds can learn from. That enthusiasm is infectious.


She isn’t just an educator– she’s also kind of like the best friend that you dream of sipping mimosas with while chatting about recent escapades,  a la “Sex and The City.” How does she manage to play the role of both sex/dating/relationship educator and virtual BFF? Shannon keeps her videos lighthearted with humor, keeping awkardness at bay with clever quips and funny videos about things like pregnancy scares and cuddling. She’s unbelievably genuine, even delving into her her own love life and personal struggles in this video. Not to mention that she also provides her followers with tutorials on self-care, shopping and hair!


Oh, Shan. You spoil us rotten.


See Shannon’s fabulousness in all its glory by visiting her YouTube channel, Twitter, and Instagram, and stay tuned for the next #InternetQueens post!

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